Advaita Vedanta Mein Gyan Evam Bhakti: Darshnik Vimarsha [Knowledge and Devotion in Advaita Vedanta: Philosophical Discourse]

Advaita philosophy of Vedanta philosophy is highly essential to understanding Indian philosophy. As a matter of fact, Advaita Vedanta Teachings Books talks about one of the most influential schools of Sanatan Darshana Vedanta. Upanishad monism, Shaktyadvaism, the monism of Shaivagam, Buddhist monism, Bhartrihari-propounded word dualism, Gaudapadiya monism, Mayavadapush Shankara monism, Ramanuja’s Vishishtadvaita, non-Vallabhacharya’s philosophy of non-duality, non-Vallabhacharya’s all doctrines of non-duality and non-Vallabhacharya.

Rs. 230.00

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